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Explore Active Job Opportunities for Your Students

Access real-time job listings, connect with employers across the country, and help your students land the right job faster.

Key Features and Benefits

Access Job Listings

Access a wide range of active job opportunities across various industries.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with the latest job openings, ensuring your candidates never miss out.

Nationwide Reach

Connect with employers from nationwide, offering diverse job opportunities for your students.

Easy Candidate Matching

Quickly match your students with relevant job roles based on their skills and certifications.

Increased Opportunities

Give your students access to a broader network of employers actively hiring.

Stay Competitive

Keep your training programs aligned with the latest industry needs and job market trends.

We Have Built Our Trust With + Training Partners


How It Works


Create Your Account

Create your profile and start in minutes.


Access the Course List

Log into your Training Partner Dashboard to view all active job opportunities.


Match Candidates

Browse through available positions and match your students with suitable job roles.


Collaborate with Employers

Work directly with employers to facilitate smooth interviews and successful placements.

Frequently Asked Questions

The "List of Active Jobs" provides real-time job opportunities across various industries and cities, allowing you to connect your students with the right employers quickly.

Take the First Step Today

Empower your students with the latest job opportunities. Expand your reach, streamline placements, and make a real impact on your student's careers.